Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The Beginning

Ok its true I'm a first time blogger, but hey you have to start somewhere right. I created this blog to share all the cute neato things I find and to share my crafts with whoever wants them. I will try to have a wide variety of crafty things. By variety I talking sewing, crocheting, painted, gardening, art, and knitting. From time to time I will feature neato items I find on etsy. So be on the look out.

Today I think I will pick a web site to talk about. If you are a huge DIY fan like I am then I'm sure many of you know about Instructables
http://www.instructables.com . For those that don't then holy hell I just made your day. There is Tons and TONSSSSSS of great stuff. Anything your heart desires you can pretty much find here.

Here is a video I found for a wallet made out of a FedEx envelope.

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